Here we again, another Wednesday. And look, I'm actually posting F.O.O.D. Wednesday on a Wednesday! Aren't you impressed? I realized I don't really have a theme for my weekly wednesday post. I figured I would have more to see about our weekly veggie pick up, but Wednesdays are another day that I don't often end up cooking. For now, I'm going to treat it as a way to spread some news about some interesting food related articles or newsbites I've come across. I've got some good ones for today.
I have been very lazy in the kitchen lately. It's been a busy week with Heather, one of my bestest friends, visiting and with Ryan and I buying a new car. Mostly we've been living on leftovers, junk food, eating out, my mom's food, or quinoa cooked up in a variety of ways. It's pretty atypical of my food habits but it's been fun.
Speaking of eating out, check out the word about Winnipeg's newest burger joint. They're called Boon (located where Common Ground formerly was on Maryland). Not only are they a vegetarian burger joint that will serve 8-10 themed burgers, but they're going to be gluten free (still unsure if that means all their food will be gluten free or if the patties will be gluten free and they'll have the option of gluten free buns)! It's supposed to be up and running in June and I'm really excited to try it out. It's within walking or biking distance and is just the kind of thing I've been craving. I didn't eat fast food very often before I went gluten free so it wasn't a big deal to give it up, but in the summer it's nice to at least have the option of going out and getting a burger and fries from "fast food" type diner and not have to worry about my health.
Here's another interesting link to the Chickens for Winnipeggers group on Facebook. The group appeared in an oddly timely manner since urban chickens are something I've been thinking about a lot more. It's not a possibility now, seeing as how we live in an apartment with no balcony and we also like being lazy in our mid-twenties. But this is something I could see myself doing in the future. Even though my naturopath recently told me she strongly suspects I have an egg allergy (I really hope I don't, I love scrambled eggs!) I think it would be a great endeavour.
Finally, you might be wanting an update on my garden. I have yet to make a move on actually starting it because I got stuck on the logistics of it. I'm confused about what method I should try to use since we get no direct sunlight. Right now I'm thinking of a mix between herbs that don't need much light in the windows, a very small basic window farm, and some shelves and artificial lighting for some easy veggies. I didn't really know where to turn though to get the kind of help or information I want. But then I took the bus last week and less than a 10 minute walk from our apartment is an indoor gardening place! So I plan to stop in there by the end of the week and get some advice. I just need some direction from someone more experienced. I think this little project is going to cost me a few dollars but to be able to grow some of our own food, totally worth it.
Isla Mujeres 2025 Restaurant Feature-Bahai Del Rey
13 hours ago