I really truly never thought I would have a blog. I've tried to run one before on the topic of feminism, human rights, etc. But sadly, I found it was just too hard to maintain. I've always enjoyed writing but once my degree was finished in Spring 2008, it kind-of-maybe slipped by the wayside.
But then Ryan and I moved in together in November! I've always loved to cook but when I lived with my folks I didn't have nearly as much opportunity - the reason being, my mother also loves to cook, and it's kind of hard to resistant free, delicious, home-cooked meals when she's been cooking them all your life. I'm sure kitchens were far from Ryan's mind when we were apartment hunting, but I was taking careful note in each of the places we viewed. Since we've already decided our apartment is as awesome as could be, it follows that the kitchen in this apartment was also the nicest in all the ones we viewed. It's not huge, but it is a long galley kitchen, which means there's enough room for a small bar table and an extra shelf for all our fancy appliances. It does however, have almost no counter space. But the counter space hasn't deterred me. Luckily cooking for two means that you don't usually need much counter space anyway.
This happy little kitchen in this happy little apartment is the inspiration for the name of this blog - Riverside Kitchen. While my kitchen window may not overlook the river (in fact it overlooks a street and an apartment building across said street) but our apartment building does. I'll be honest, when I dreamed of moving out, I dreamed of living downtown, close to all things I consider 'cool' and 'trendy' and easy acess to the river and riverwalk means I always get in lots of running, biking, skating, and skiing. Thus, I decided Riverside Kitchen was the perfect name.
I'm sorry to say I don't have a recipe or even a picture of food to go along with this first post. Unfortunately I have to leave for work in twenty minutes and I'm not even dressed yet. But I will say that even though this is mainly going to be a food blog I also want it to reflect (parts of) my life, my thoughts, and my opinions so I hope that some posts will delve into my food politics (whole, natural, traditional, organic, free-range) and probably my feminist and human rights politics. Plus sillyness with friends, family, and no doubt my partner, Ryan.
Isla Mujeres 2025 Restaurant Feature-Bahai Del Rey
14 hours ago
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