I knew March was going to be a busy month and it definitely has been. I usually do most of my cooking between Thursday and Sunday because I'm busy all day and evening during the week. But I haven't really had much time. On Saturday I had a soccer game in the evening, on Sunday I went out for my Nana's 92nd birthday, on Monday I had my training course, and on Tuesday I had soccer again. So we have surplus veggies again, but I'll get through them. I picked up our F.O.O.D. Box today and because I've been so busy I didn't have time look online ahead of time to see what we were getting. Because it's so nice out I was able to leave it in the trunk while I worked (I usually take it in with me) and didn't see what was in it until I brought it home.

The things in the bags are endive, butternut squash, green beans, and lettuce. This was exactly the kind of stuff I was hoping for this week so it was a pleasant surprise. Yum yum yum.
Overnight my insulin pump wasn't working properly and I woke up with a very high bloodsugar and just generally felt queezy. Even though my bloodsugar has been back to normal for hours when I wake up really high I haven't had a chance to catch it early (because I'm asleep) and it really takes me out for the day. I haven't felt like eating much all day except a smoothie, some soup, and potatoes!
This blog is still pretty new so you may not yet know that I looooooooooooooooooooove potatoes, in pretty much all their forms. You can do so much with them and they're so easy if you have a bit of time. They're good for you and full of vitamin C and B, potassium, calcium, and iron. I almost never peel potatoes anymore because the skin is not only delicious, but is also excellent for you. Not to mention the sweet potato, which is high in betacarotene. But that's another post I think.
Even though I'm feeling kind of queezy still I was starving when I came home. So I made something that woudn't be ready for 35 minutes. I turned to good ole' oven fries, probably my new favourite way to eat potatoes. This is a pretty basic recipe, but give me a break, I'm sickly!
Spicy Curry Oven Fries
*Single serving
- 2 potatoes (I used red chieftan potatoes from our box)
- 1.5 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp pepper
- 1 tbsp curry powder
- 1 tsp paprika
- 1 tsp chili flakes
- a pinch of chili powder for an extra kick
Preheat oven to 400. Chop potatoes into small wedges, about 8 wedges per potato. In a large bowl mix all ingredients and toss until potatoes are well covered and spices are well mixed. Since the potatoes should already have a coating of oil, you don't need to oil your baking sheet. Place potatoes skin side down (so the wedges are standing) in rows. Bake for approximately 35 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Enjoy with some honey dill sauce. If you want a recipe for honey dill here's an easy one. Take mayo, honey, and dry dill. Mix together until it tastes the way you want it too. Yay, you're done!
Back to the grind now.
Looks so yummy! I LOVE roasted potatoes with lots of good spices and garlic. Now I want some too!